Root Canal Treatment

What is it? 
Root canal therapy, also known as endodontic therapy, is a dental treatment for removing infection from inside a tooth, it can also protect the tooth from future infections. Root canal treats infected or injured pulp. This helps to repair a tooth before it requires extraction.

How painful is it?
One of the great fears about this kind of treatment is that it will be painful, but the treatment that is carried out by a trained dental surgeon should be relatively painless. The pain that is felt comes from the infection and not from the treatment. The treatment does not cause pain; it helps to alleviate it.

Who needs it?
If there is a deep cavity, a cracked tooth, or a loose filling, bacteria can enter the pulp. If the pulp becomes injured or diseased, it cannot repair itself, and the tissue dies. An infection will weaken the bone and break it down. The ligaments around the tooth will swell, and the tooth will become loose.

– Sometimes the dentist only finds three root canals in a tooth that has four. If one canal remains untreated, the infection might continue and spread into the bone.
– During the procedure, the root of the tooth may crack, or the instruments can break in the canal or perforate the canal. This makes it hard to fill tooth effectively. If complications occur, a specialist can try to correct the problem and complete the root canal.

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